Clone all repos in a TFS region

On a late winter, you join a team using Microsoft Team Foundation Server( TFS ) and have region level bifurcation of instances to version control. The team has such a setup for the sake of legal compliance which business demands. One the day 1 you will be given access to a particular region which has some 35 or 40 repositories. Are you nuts? Are you are going to clone all those by manually ? visiting each of those repositories and copy the clone URL and run a git clone on that. Remember you are a new guy you cannot show aggression and frustration. You might go an ask someone to know what do they do, for your bad luck they are all nuts :) they do exactly the same they manually go and clone each of the repositories.

So it is an opportunity to prove my skills.

Just a quick observation and analysis made me find that TFS web UI makes a HTTP request to backend to get list of repositories and its clone URL’s to paint it in the UI.

The request is a simple GET request and URL seems to be of the pattern

Response will be an array of several JSON objects of the below format

             "description":"SAMPLE DESCRIPTION",
             "name":"SAMPLE 2",
             "description":"SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 2",

I just copied this response from Google Chrome Console, and created a file called repos.json.

From the terminal I navigated to the directory where repos.json is created and I just ran the below command to clone all the repositories.

cat repos.json | jq '.[].sshUrl' | xargs -L1 git clone

To run the above command you should have Linux jq command working in your machine. If it is not installed in your machine, you can easily (download it)[] and install it by following the instructions.

That’s it, and I did it, with all those odds on my way, I just did it.